Tuesday, August 10, 2010

football practice is offical

Its offical football practice has begun ! Monday was the first offical day with helmets and contact.42 kids are on the freshman team with Josh at 5 foot 3 tall the 3rd shortest on the team. Every player weighs in before practice and Josh tipped the scales at 152 pounds,after practice which was 3 hours long Josh and the rest of the team weighed in again.This time Josh came in at 150 pounds. The purpose of weighing in before and after practice is to maintain or increase their weight.Of course you should be lighter after practice, but the next practice back to where you started or more. The coaches told the parents and the kids eat ,and eat a lot while drinking 1 to 2 gallons of water per day.Hopefully for Josh he can cut about 20 pounds and be quicker we will see how it gos.

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